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The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has approved the proposal for amendments to the Renewable Energy Sources Promotion Act (ZSROVE)

Publication date: 06. September 2024
At its 117th regular session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia approved the text of the proposal for the Act on Amendments and Supplements to the Act on the Promotion of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources (ZSROVE-B). The purpose of the amendment is to transpose the provisions of Directive 2023/2413/EU into Slovenian law, which are primarily procedural in nature.

The Act on the Promotion of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources (hereinafter: ZSROVE) transposed Directive 2018/2001/EU on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (hereinafter: Directive 2018/2001/EU, also known as Directive RED II) into Slovenian law. This is a fundamental directive that includes provisions on the common framework for promoting renewable energy sources (RES), the EU's binding target for the share of energy from RES in gross final energy consumption by 2030, rules on financial support for electricity from RES, self-supply of electricity from RES, the use of energy from RES in the heating and cooling sector, and administrative procedures.

The directive was amended by the new Directive 2023/2413/EU on the promotion of renewable energy sources (hereinafter: Directive 2023/2413/EU, also known as Directive RED III), which needs to be transposed into Slovenian law. Member states must implement the laws and regulations required to comply with this directive by May 21, 2025, at the latest.

Certain articles of the updated directive must be transposed into national law by July 1, 2024. The text of the proposal for the Act on Amendments and Supplements to the Act on the Promotion of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources (ZSROVE-B) incorporates these articles, which relate to the issuance of administrative permits for the installation of renewable energy devices (setting deadlines for the completion of administrative procedures). The amendment also includes minor improvements to certain articles, though these do not bring major substantive changes.

The proposed amendment to ZSROVE-B modifies the conditions for inclusion in the net metering self-supply system due to the increased number of requests for the connection of devices, which the operator would otherwise be unable to complete on time. The new arrangement extends the deadline until the end of 2024 for final consumers to install production devices and submit an application for connection, but not to register for self-supply. The extended deadline will prevent investors from missing the deadline for inclusion in the system due to operational constraints. To prevent abuse of the system, investors are also required to submit a photo of the production device and a signed statement under criminal liability.

Source: Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy
Picture: Freepik
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Production: MMStudio
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